Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Experimental economics summary paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Experimental economics summary paper - Essay Example This can be better understood in the example provided by the authors to a person who is trying to lose weight through diet and how he/she must regard a simple piece of chocolate not as a single reward with very few cost staked but an overall threat that affects his/her consumption in the future. This provided view of linked together concepts of self-signals â€Å"bundles together similar rewards in the foreseeable future, putting the expectation of getting them at risk in the current choice† (Hofmeyr et al., p.4). Thus, the subjects overall perception of what causes addiction is reduced with the instinctive knowledge that sonsumption of such at one point affects future consumption. Findings The results reveal that in comparing smokers with non-smokers, those included in Forced who are smokers will choose LL if they are compelled to correlate their present choices to its effect in the future. This shift from an SS reward preference was seen significantly in smokers than non-smo kers. Some variables were also reported to give more credit to the overall results of the study. In smokers, it may be noted that African-Americans were recorded to low probability of selecting LL while increased age would prefer LL. In non-smokers, higher income leans toward LL and higher baseline choose SS. There were two patterns determined in the study.

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